Boxwell is continually looking at ways to improve upon its relocatable self-storage units and portable storage containers.
Based upon customer feedback and industry advancements, Boxwell units come standard with a number of innovative FEATURES:
Ultra secure locks – Easy-to-use locking mechanisms that are designed with the end user’s security in mind.
Industry leading doors – Based upon your needs, industry-leading rollup or swing doors are available in customizable colors to match your facility
Corrugated steel roofs – Boxwell’s seamless steel roof is designed to protect against the elements and prevent water from pooling or leaking.
Stainless steel hardware – All of Boxwell’s hardware is made of stainless steel and will maintain appearance and performance for years to come.
Anti-condensation spray – To reduce condensation caused by humidity and temperature swings, we apply this thin, white coating on the ceiling.
Fork-lift pockets – For safe and easy moving of Boxwell’s units, which are relocatable and stackable up to 3 high — even when fully loaded.
Coated and sealed flooring – Floors are coated, sealed, and protected to provide a waterproof, non-slip, and non-flammable surface.